Cannot Overwrite XX


Windows will not allow you to overwrite a DLL file (represented by XX) that is currently in use. You get error message : Cannot overwrite XX: The specified file is being used.”

To resolve this problem : Copy the replacement DLL file to the Temporary directory, usually located at C:\WINNT\TEMP. Rename the DLL file in the C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory by adding the word “old” to the file name (for example, Wininetold.dll). Click Start, Programs, Accessories, and Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt window, type the following after the command prompt, one line at a time, replacing DLLFILE with the name of the DLL file you copied to the temp directory. Press ENTER after each line. cd %SystemRoot%\temp copy DLLFILE %SystemRoot%\System32\exit. Restart your computer to apply the changes